Thursday, September 11, 2014

Who Cares About Butterflies?

Sept 11 2014 Who cares about butterflies?  They’ve always been around.  The gravely diminishing population of the Monarch butterflies is something humanity would scarcely have noticed at another time.  However we now live at a nexus calling for us to see and approach differently the world in which we live.  Humanity’s next evolutionary step has to start now, a step in which we think in new ways about the web of life within  which we have our being.  Mankind as the conqueror of nature and the entitled rampant killer has to give way to another way of thinking.

Not just for new concepts of morality but for survival of the web of life – which we have rarely considered with the relevant and necessary vision.  Mankind’s path of triumphalism has been predicated on a vision of humanity as above and apart from nature. Earlier in the 20th century politicians and developers boastfully said:  “We will make the deserts bloom,” not realizing that the deserts already bloomed in ways differently than suburban gardens.

We need to become seers (see-ers) and activists.  Today’s example is “Roundup,” Monsanto’s herbicide, a poison similar to the “Agent Orange” used to devastate lives and the countryside in the Viet Nam war.  “RoundUp is made of glyphosate, the primary active ingredient and Agent Orange of our time,” according to Natural Society.

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Using herbicides like Monsanto's Roundup on genetically engineered (GE) crops is destroying a significant portion of the Monarch butterflies breeding habitat.

We are asked to implore the the U.S. government to take urgent action in listing the Monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).