Saturday, March 28, 2009

Then who knows

Reflecting, I think how -- when someone tells me a long story -- I say "You should write a book" as a (kind) attempt to shut them up. On my end I say various of these to my friends "Please do stop me if you've heard this one before.... I give you full permission to stop me if I begin to tell a story you've heard before....really, I would count it a kindness."

My good angel in my head says: "Yes, but you're a writer. Maybe you're a raconteur, remember how those people were sitting spellbound the other day." My dark-hearted angel says: "Yeah, sure, they were in a stupor of boredom."

As to this blog, it came about because I write a few letters almost every week, some to the editor, some to entities such as, some to companies. Then I email copies on to five or so of my good friends who say repeatedly something to the effect of "You should have a blog so more people can read what you think."

So o o o now that I have set up, with the instruction and guidance of my good friend Bill, this "play" blog I am a bit stymied. I know it's not publishing but still you send your little thought-children out into the world, maybe to be kicked and beat up by bullies.

I am pondering whether I need to have a theme or some kind of consistency. For instance I always write to companies, governments and entities about animals. I wrote to Armani last week:

"Armani's ideals have to do with beauty and enlightened design. How can such a vision exist without morality? How can you connect your company to the most brutal torture and killing of animals ever known in history? Please reconsider buying "fun" fur (skins of animals) for trimmings from countries such as China which practice unrelentingly cruelty in the trapping, keeping, and killing of "product" animals. Better, join other visionary companies and stop using animal skins (fur) altogether."

My most core passionate belief is that if we humans were to know and realize who "animals" are (it would require turning an evolutionary corner in our basic concepts) the entire human world and our planet would change in ways we cannot now imagine.

Yet in my mental ramblings I have other passions: stories, studying us, trying to be a cogent critic of government(s), everything about cats, the visual arts, architecture, fashion as sociology, evolution, physics, horticulture and so on.

What is my blog going to be about?


Bill Nigreen said...

That's great. It gives a good range of blog topics. There might be a way to code or categorize them. For now, try blogging on all topics and see which grow naturally. Also you might check with folks to see if any of them would like to be emailed each post, as I am. Recall too that only certain designated folks, viz. me, are able to actually comment on your site, and i think you chose not to have the posts displayed. So keep trying dif ferent things till it all sorts out.

Boston Guru said...

So far so good. You've enjoyed a stunning career. Don't limit yourself. Share thought abt local, national, global issues.

Boston Guru said...

Thanks for all. Keep at it!!

Bill Nigreen said...

I signed up for Google so I can be a contributor now. Looking forward to more!