Friday, April 9, 2010


Discovery TV has signed Sarah Palin to host a program about Alaska's wildlife and nature. Defenders of Wildlife has a petition opposing this move, which is wrong-headed as well as bizarre. On the website Androcles said:

"Palin has tried to pay bounties for parts of animal corpses, and promotes an image of herself/as a hunter/killer as part of her self-aggrandizing ego-driven need to be some version of the cute girl who hunts and socializes with the "real" guys. In reality "hunting" as practiced by Palin and the guys is not hunting. It is slaughter and massacre of defenseless creatures using assault rifles from protected cover to kill them at food lures or to shoot them from the air. Humans acting in this way are as outdated and dangerous to the soul of the world as were those who created the entertainment-killing in the Roman Coliseum. Don't you remember she asked for bloody wolf haunches to be brought to the Alaska State House so bounties could be paid?

Her views show no respect, honor, or concern for the planet or for nature. Putting her on Discovery would be a horror and a betrayal of the enlightenment we have been accustomed to see on Discovery."

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