Saturday, July 6, 2013

Maybe it's not killing if we do it somewhere else

Less than 90 whales remain in Puget Sound and now the World Wildlife Action Fund reports a consortium of coal companies plan to use trains to move 100 million tons of coal every year from Montana's Powder River Basin to coal terminals to be build in Oregon and Washington. From the terminals the coal goes onto giant barges to be shipped overseas - spewing coal and toxic pollution into orcas' waters.

Along with the destruction of the ocean waters coal pollution will be spread over huge continental areas. Take it somewhere else, get the money, don't look at the killing.

The waters and life in the oceans are as essential to human life as the air we breathe. To destroy life in the oceans leads directly -- and sooner than you think -- to the destruction of all life. Another vision now being developed leads humans to take a role as stewards of life and of the planet and of our fellow inhabitants.
This monumental plan by Big Coal exemplifies the bad and ignorant processes that are destroying the world -- get the money now, buy and buttress yourself with luxuries, let somebody else worry about it. That is as wrong-headed and out of date as the inquisition.

As distressing as this plan for profit is the knowledge underlying it:  This destruction and these deaths will not make the front pages of any  mainstream paper nor be reported on any mainstream tv news.  Perhaps when the corpses are floating, a titilating visual, a tsk-tsk.

We cannot trample in the web of life without consequences to ourselves. Beyond the actual terror of this kind of thinking, overriding everything is the damage being done to our souls and to the soul of the world.

Go to World Wildlife Action to sign the petition.

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