Thursday, July 17, 2014

Global Hunting Glorifies Killing Animals

GLOBALHUNTS@AOL.COM  is the contact for Aaron Neilson whose Facebook page shows him smiling and holding his rifle over the corpses of many animals, elephants, lions, bighorn sheep and so on.

I wrote to the company today:

Dear Aaron Neilson -- Killing so-called animals  with modern weapons is not so far from opening fire on other humans in unprotected situations. This approach is out of date and evil. I know you will scoff at what I think. But enlightened visions see another approach to our co-inhabitants on the planet.   Seeing and caring for other creatures leads us to see and understand the web of life, to which we belong. We are not above it, we are within it.  In the web of life is where we have our most essential being and we have no other home.

Killing animals and glorifying yourself for doing so is to proceed backward against common sense and the reality of right now. It illustrates you as an ignorant bully.  All the assault rifles in the world cannot make you into the man you wish you were.  I have seldom seen anything so ugly as your web site, which I note has space only for” likes.”  You may censor out from the page those who have other views but that does not disguise who you are or keep others from seeing you as an ego-obsessed killer of unarmed and helpless creatures, a person who sees beauty in others as a signal to murder by pulling a trigger.

There is no equality and no contest between a person armed to the teeth and an unprotected animal.  It is not  “hunting.”  It is killing.  You are a blight on life itself. 

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