Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Words to Kerry and Brown re Great Ape Bill

I ask you to support the Great Ape Protection Act, to be introduced soon in the Senate. The U.S. needs to evolve into a society which does not use killing and torture as either a routine solution to problems or as "scientific research." Most actual studies reveal that we do not have to torture humans as part of war or non-humans as part of "research."

Millions of federal research dollars are be wasted on the ineffective and unethical "research use" of chimpanzees. I want my tax dollars to be spent on superior methods that include ethical, human-centered studies, in vitro testing, and tissue engineering.

Why is torture in secrecy still part of the America way? Studies show that chimpanzees, intelligent and social, suffer extremely in laboratories from pain, anxiety, fear, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Since they are long-lived this can go on for decades as regulations permit them to be kept in cages the size of a kitchen table, placed in isolation, and repeatedly physically harmed.

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