Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why are we grateful for the Alaska Refuge, they asked

I am thankful for the Arctic Refuge because every inch, yard and mile of non-human occupied land is precious in terms of the new consciousness arising which tells us we must change how we live on the earth. We are not ON the earth, we are OF the earth. We are beings who exist within and among the animal/plant/microbial life of the planet. No one GAVE it to us. We emerged as the apex species and boasted more and more loudly about our brains, not realizing that we are still in important ways stuck in the out of date models of killing and destruction which have up to now made up the central part of our coping skills. We must ask: What would be the enlightened morality of an apex species capable of thinking about the consequences of actions?

Alaska's wilderness needs to be treated as a sacred place and protected from human destroyers.

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