They found a bear cub in the city of Newton, MA, which has a large population percentage of wealthy, elites, and "well educated" persons. What to do? The quickly arrived solution: Kill it. The options of relocation, sanctuaries, and consultation with wildlife and animal agencies were not even considered.
I wrote to the mayor:
"Treatment of the bear cub -- What a shameful commentary on your
community. What ignorance is
revealed. Can we hope that officials and
police of your city can become aware of the evolving consciousness about the web
of life itself and the human relationship to all of life? Unless we develop an enlightened perspective
on the natural world a day will come – and not in the far distance but closer
to now than you think – when humanity cannot live on this planet.
China Altman 1 Melrose St #4
Boston MA 02116 617 933 9926
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