Tuesday, June 18, 2013

U.S. Navy Wants to Bring Hell to the Oceans

I am writing to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel about the Navy's plan to blast the oceans with explosives and sonar, bringing torture and death to marine mammals and other destruction we haven't yet realized. 

"Dear Secretary Hagel -- Now that you are even more prominent in the world, please reflect on the new perspectives now arising about the web of life and how we need to be caretakers, shepherds and stewards instead of being those who exploit, harm and kill life on the planet, without thought. 
 We cannot live if we reach a certain tipping point in our destruction of this web, in our harm toward the earth, our only home.  The tipping point is far closer than we thave thought.  Please think, not just for reasons of a deeper morality than the usual, but for reasons of survival of our descendants.
 It's not beyond the realm of possibility that our children and grandchildren will be alive when the waters rise disastrously, when the planet tells us in the ultimate way that the harm we have done has ended forever life as we know it."

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